Received today from our friends who have been living and doing ministry in Lithuania for the past couple of years:
Friends, these times are difficult. We stood by our students this week as they recognized three years of full-scale invasion in Ukraine. They wept, they worshipped, they remembered, and we participated with them as best we could. LCC is a strange place in that we share coffee and conversations every day with people from countries who are at war with each other. As an American, it is especially hard to describe the feeling of listening to a student share about the effects of your country’s actions on their family. You start to wonder, “Am I complicit?” In our roles at LCC, we care for the formation of our students’ minds and souls into those of well-rounded adults, but our government is taking actions that directly and negatively impact many of them and their families. If it isn’t clear, we stand with Ukraine. We stand by our students. Today, you will scroll past another video on Facebook of our country’s leaders making false claims, and tomorrow, we will hold a student whose life was directly impacted by it. To quote one of the faculty here at LCC: “When you have given your sole allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom, you never have to defend the indefensible, excuse the inexcusable, or feel
embarrassed by the one you follow.”
It seems weird compared to now, but there wasn’t much homelessness where and when I grew up. Winston-Salem was around 150k people. The small number of people who chose the lifestyle sort of became well known and people helped them out. This lady, known as Night Rider or Bicycle Lady, has been in the public eye for around 35 years. She was recently attacked and is in critical condition. Once upon a time, she was a teacher, but lost a child and was never the same mentally.
@mary had dinner tonight with all her sisters so, after I put the princess to bed, I had the opportunity to rewatch Napoleon Dynamite after almost 20 years. Mary just doesn’t get it, but it still makes me laugh!
See What Jurassic Park’s Raptors Would Look Like With Feathers
Posted into Science @science-mental_floss
Palms were offline devices that only synced with your computer when put on a docking station.
You could read and reply to emails offline, book or cancel meetings, and sync with your computer later. The latest versions allowed you to snap pictures and listen to your music.
No servers running constantly. No data spilled everywhere. Days worth of battery on a single charge.
The future stole our cables, and it took our attention span and our privacy with it.
Salvation at the Graduation!
In this Buddhist dominated country, the non-Christians relatives attended the Bible School Graduation, were just thinking of clicking of a selfie with their children. They got more than what they bargained for... One of the Pastors at the Graduation service, shared the simple Gospel message and gave an alter call, close to 10 people responded and accepted Christ. (Representative picture)
Marathon Training: