Profile for ireneista

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Irenes (many)

About ireneista


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E864 BDFA AB55 36FD C905 5195 DBF2 52AF FB26 19FD
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Blog, Code, Thingamajigs


You are all dreams and we are happy to know you, as you are nice dreams. We are an asexual autistic trans-feminine plural system with a label collection.

We compromise with legibility only so far as to say the following: Technology Director at Internet Safety Labs; ex-Google information privacy expert. 🏳️‍⚧️🍁


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if your reason for trying to imagine the future is, at least in part, to invent it

then you cannot afford to imagine a future that simply ignores bad things in the present

because these problems require actual solutions, and naive approaches are likely to make them worse

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it's been a while since we've said this and we suspect it has not yet reached everyone it needs to, so we'll say it again just on general principles

activists should study how movements fail, for the same reason that architects study how buildings fall down

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@futurebird they say that managing programmers is like herding cats

unionizing programmers is like, well, convincing cats they should be working together. we continue to believe that it is possible and necessary, it's just important to understand the nature of the problem.

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phew. home stretch of the assembly now, pardon the baseball metaphor.

(last minute of the third period? ... eh. the Canucks have lost too many games in the last minute for us to see that as a time to relax...)

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oops. well. that is a serious mistake: we have pressure-fitted some tiny magnets into blind holes on a plastic part. they are backwards, despite our best efforts. now we need to find a way to get them out again.

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