Hey, so #introductions time.
My main aim in being here is exploring the usage of hometown and the fediverse as a whole, to ultimately hopefully host an instance for me&my closest friends. The impetus came from @darius's https://runyourown.social, which I read through recently.
My main interests right now include not having many spoons, self organization, bicycle tinkering, reading, gardening.
I've been using this youtube search frontend, with a search shortcut in my browser. It's just for search, but in the absence of working invidious instances I play youtube exclusively through mpv+yt-dlp on desktop, so this was a direly missing puzzle piece.
Today is a good time to reread Audre Lorde's »Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power.«
(This is excerpted from Pleasure Activism, with adrienne maree brown's footnotes. Inspired by @binch https://blackqueer.life/@binch/114122587829112472)
#nowPlaying Ibeyi – Tears Are Our Medicine
web analytics, least invasive?
Now that's some good thought put into software:
»With these three scripts, you can instrument your pages with a tiny bit of javascript that probabilistically samples if a reader was active over the past minute (mouse/touch movement or scrolling). In the default settings, 10% of every active minute will be reported.
Or in other words, if you get 10 reports, something like 100 minutes was spent reading your site. Sorta.
In addition, these reports measure at what percentage of the content your reader is positioned. This helps you determine if people are making it to the end of your page or not.«
(Just, why is it on github?)
infosec woo
»Why Quantum Cryptanalysis is Bollocks«
Conference slides by Peter Gutmann.
I cut the relevant part out, so you can bask in the glory without giving data to google:
I think we'd all be in a much better place if we simply stopped extending endless grace to incompetent line-goes-up chancers who do not care about creating and maintaining non-toxic spaces; we can't keep pleading for consideration from the types of people who have shown time and again that they cannot be trusted to deliver on even the most basic of levels, people who have no integrity and no shame, because they do not understand and they will never understand what community means, what joys it holds, and what kind of work + sacrifice it demands
person dancing underwater
#nowPlaying Gonzales & Feist – Shameless Eyes
»Without a structure that encourages ideas to flow into action, without comrades with whom to brainstorm and barnstorm and build up momentum, you are likely to be paralyzed, cut off from much of your own potential […]«–https://crimethinc.com/2017/02/06/how-to-form-an-affinity-group-the-essential-building-block-of-anarchist-organization
Carimbó Cobra Venenosa – Flor de Mururé
The sun came out when I watched it. 🌅
disability, spoons
I want to write something, badly. A proposal of sorts. It's in me and wants to be written out right now. But I don't have the spoons to do it right now. I have to stay horizontal, can't sit up even a bit in order to use a keyboard. And even if I could, my spoons wouldn't last long enough to get far with it.
Everything else I'm trying to pass the time just doesn't relieve the restlessness.
privilege: able-bodied if not for chronic fatigue, white, mostly male passing, german, can code
highly sensitive person
If we aren't already acquainted, please @ me with any follow request.
header by @skyofmywindow
profile picture is a closeup of a poppy flower I shot