A snippet from wip book 3 as I prep the Kickstarter for book 2.
That's right. Book 3. I plan ahead.
Be lovely to see you sign up!
Our phone and other bills are due today. We raised about 30% of what we need for bills this weekend. Just $175 to go, can you help us get across the finish line?
Weekend goal met.
c/v: nullagent
I just want people to consider what they believe and not internalize the perspective of hateful people who only want to see the world burn.
It’s hard to imagine what life can be like outside of colonialism but your imagination is a muscle too.
Put it to work and you’ll be surprised where it can take you and how it can inspire you to keep pushing.
The gift of creation is a miraculous thing.
Today’s card is Temperance, blending the elements in harmony. We sometimes think of temperance as a kind of liberalism, keeping our conflicting wants suppressed so as not to upset the status quo, but harmony isn’t the same thing as control. Fill yourself with love and rage instead, and balance them against each other. Let your joy empower the struggle and the struggle bring you joy
Update - I've only got about 3 large left, but LOADS of small and medium.
The small ones are around postcard size and small squares, the medium are A5-ish size, and the big are A4 and 20cm squares.
£1.50 each for the small, £3 for the medium and £5 for the large.
Unless you specify (which I'll accomodate until they run out), I'll give you random prints.
Postage is a flat £3 worldwide no matter how many or what size you get.
I know I don't post much on #kofi but sometimes I do.
“Terrified people are not very good at solving problems because being shitting-your-pants terrified all the time makes you exhausted.
And terrified people are incredibly resistant to change because adjusting to change takes energy and they don't HAVE energy because literally all their energy is going toward the fucking monumental task of staying fucking alive
And people that have KNOWN their whole goddamn lives, in the marrow of their bones, that they don't have a future, cannot imagine the future.
We have to imagine the future.
We have to.”
[Linked post includes discussion of climate doom, abuser tactics, and what stress does to your mental health]
US pol, link to action re: transphobic changes to passports
three simple steps, with prewritten responses. every single response helps! if you have something personal to add, there's a space for it, or you can just delete that bit and send the rest as-is. if you count yourself as a cis ally, here's your chance!
I like making things, science fiction, and other stuff (I swear, there will be a better bio soon!)