I've just realized I need an #introduction again because I never had anything pinned.
Hi. I'm a clown, and I play with handstands and other circusy things with my clown family. I have a science and safety background. I think in music and weird noises; my main instruments have been brass and voice although I've performed with toy piano and melodica too.
And I like conversations with people about what and who they care about.
Respirator fit testing
Today was fit test day!
Did you know your face changes shape? It's best to retest yearly.
Everyone's usual model still fit this time.
The "best" part is when you break the respirator seal at the end. The sounds people make when they taste lots of saccharin tell me a little about how good the test was.
I've just realized I need an #introduction again because I never had anything pinned.
Hi. I'm a clown, and I play with handstands and other circusy things with my clown family. I have a science and safety background. I think in music and weird noises; my main instruments have been brass and voice although I've performed with toy piano and melodica too.
And I like conversations with people about what and who they care about.
Clown, musician, stilt dancer, singer, science person. She/her pronouns. Trans rights are human rights.