New #MentalHealth strategy--
Instead of shaming myself internally, as I have for 40 years, I will outsource to ChatGPT.
When I prompt the AI to admonish me, it does it far more gently than I do to myself.
New #MentalHealth strategy--
Instead of shaming myself internally, as I have for 40 years, I will outsource to ChatGPT.
When I prompt the AI to admonish me, it does it far more gently than I do to myself.
The @eff needs to make an app that parodies those "which Character are you" things on #instagram and #snapchat
Instead of choosing your Harry Potter or Star Wars likeness, it shows you the data it knows about you over your head.
The internet is often praised for speed, instant communication.
We use things people said online to crucify them. We talk of futures we fear or delight in, but it is all in the past.
The internet is far from instant. People change every moment. We have to stop condemning each other.
I'm not against debate, but remember we're all suffering and the below each side of an argument is someone suffering.
What a nasty rabbit hole. I was looking at TVs and there are so many vector for getting your data.
If you don't connect your smart TV to the internet:
- some don't allow you to setup--looking at you iTunes Terms of Use.
- most if not all, will find a friend. IoT items that are the same brand will bridge an internet connection their own. Even if it is at your neighbors.
- HDMI cable can also transmit internet data. So the TV isn't hooked up to the web, but your streaming box is. Boop.
But it was assigned “Gulf of Mexico” at birth…
Anyone have a link to the viral email thread from years ago where a graphic designer trolled a client asking for free work? It was a huge email thread where the designer kept doing things wrong.
Hell yeah! Go my former home state--
Michigan is taking the lead.
I cannot send messages to someone with an iPhone.
I assume Apple is now iMessage or RCS, and no SMS at all?
I miss search engines.
No taxation without representation.
Documentation is important until you call someone on their lack of it.
Personally, I think the Alberta Top 100 Employers list could make additional money allowing people to vote against their employer. Just sayin'.
Today's post-industrial modern music genre is Crunkcore.
Modern definition of Democracy:
Opinions that don't matter.
It's so weird that as a species we're so good at fake news considering there's zero communications in our professional careers.
Am I the only one who feels like I would need a day off if I planned to socialize in that evening?
I have nothing left after work. I just want to curl up and watch the clock slowly churn as I bathe in freedom.
Not the mamma.
Honestly, I am offended that I wasn't asked to be a part of this. As a diabetic, who's religion is junk food I am more than qualified.
Scrooge had it easy with the ghosts.
Today, CEO greed is countered with bullets.
I mean hiring 4 ghosts and paying for their travel sounds more expensive than a few bullets.
Do they have investor conferences for the highway system? Nope. One for the Post Office? Nope.
Those aren't even basic human rights. Oh, but a healthcare investor conference is a thing?
The biggest factor that aspires people to move up the corporate ladder is
How I imagine interviews happen at my employer:
HR: Can you tell me what the opposite of the word "yes" is?
Candidate: no?