The Gibson 🅅<p>Speaking as a director of the Veilid Foundation, I see no difference in the data construct you build when using the internet, and your physical or creative being. Those works are a part of you as much as your right hand is. I simply believe that it is morally reprehensible that we can give that up by signing a EULA.</p><p>We are entering a very dangerous era of the internet. The data silos are in fact datavores, and they have to continue to devour data wherever they can find it.</p><p>They have come to the fediverse, and now they are here to eat YOU. Your data construct/profile/ whatever you want to think of it as.</p><p>It is now more imperative than ever that projects like Veilid and Spritely, projects that restore the future we were promised through privacy tooling, become utilized and fully leveraged. Tools like these are armored with encryption and are resilient to the teeth of the datavore.</p><p>Your data is not theirs to own.</p>