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if it's so important to you that community be in-person, make your in-person gatherings covid-safe

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a reminder: no matter how angry you are at the system, no matter how aggrieved you are with nation-states, no matter how much you and the recipient would agree…

it is NEVER a good idea to use spicy payment notes like "death to America", "Luigi every CEO", and so on, when donating to someone.

you could get them locked out of their account for any number of dubious reasons, and without recompense. PayPal, for example, is famous for closing accounts on the flimsiest of suspicion, and stealing the balance within.

just don't do it. either pretend it's to make up for a personal debt (e.g. by using a food emoji), or generically wish them well, or make up some nonsense words and reuse them for everyone.

edit: this includes promotion of anything unjustly illegal, e.g. "sex work is work". payment notes are NOT the place for advocacy. make no mistake, they are scanned for keywords.

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time for a new post I guess so here goes

:boost_no: no boosts on this intro, please

-1. Zionists eat shit. free Palestine

0. racists eat shit. this includes nonwhite beneficiaries of white supremacy

1. not looking to acquire any (more) one-way follows, so if you aren't the kind of person I want to follow back then I probably won't accept yours. if you're following me back I'll almost certainly accept.

2. i work with computer. sometimes I talk about computer. I am not *here to* talk about computer. if you mostly talk about computer then I won't want to follow back. see rule 1

3. you don't have to be queer but that is going to heavily weight my decision

4. you don't have to be an anarchist or communist but at this point I'm suspicious of anyone who's lived through the same period of time I have and has not at minimum developed some understanding of class solidarity

5. I don't care if TheBadSpace hurt your feelings. if you don't respect people taking responsibility for their own protection, bye

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The results are in for the (i.e. paying employees the same dollar amount for 32 hours of work instead of 40).

For individuals (n=3500):

* 71% reported decreased burnout.
* More than 40% reported improvements across mental health, sleep quality, and fatigue.
* Workers are not using their day off to take paid work elsewhere, but instead for hobbies, leisure, housework, caring, and personal maintenance.
* 90% of people want to continue.

For businesses (n=91):

* YoY revenue up by 35% during trial period.
* Employee attrition down by 57%.
* 91% of companies immediately established the 4-day week permanently.
* Another 4% are leaning toward continuing.

Report available here:

Me, to the Little Kid while going up the hill on a hike: "We are going up a big hill right now, and I'm here with you".

I feel we should be saying this to each other a lot right now.

the best time to make a


road sign is 10 years ago. the 2nd best time is today

If there's gastronomy then what's gastrology

I got both of mine a couple years ago but just a reminder that monkeypox vaccines are free in a lot of states and counties in the US, it's worth getting them while that's still the case.

We've had suspended for the 4chan-derrived abusive behavior of the users there.

We've learned of recent anti-transmasculine posting there and recommend suspending the instance.

The range thinks trans liberation is for everyone.


Maybe a big reason a lot of autistic adults like children’s shows are the focus and prioritizing of friendships over romantic relationships.

I am noticing that any time I move from feeling like shit, depressed, awful, to feeling pretty good, I start writing excited infodumps about music

This should probably indicate something to me about my real passions lmao

I love when conservative wackadoos write about how atonal music is the death knell of music and art and Bach would be rolling over in his grave and stuff

Because based on what I know about Bach, he would have been all over that shit once he learned the theory

This man was so fucking autistic, if you gave him the complex theoretical constraints of twelve-tone serialism he would immediately get completely nerdsniped by it and start writing passionately about how it was actually the perfect system to reveal the glory of God's beauty or some shit

“Two serves of chips and a potato scallop¹, please”. When at the seaside, there are rules to be followed.

“Coming right up! Are you eating at the shore? Would you like to rent a seagull defense droid?”

“Oh, heavens, no, feeding the gulls is why I get two serves!”

“Capital! People like you, you’re good for my droid rental income”

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

¹ shush

Australians: "Hwell, we're not like the US"

Me: (surveying giant carpark full of giant cars all huddled round the entrance so they don't get a teensy tiny drop of rain on em on the way to big, square, bland mall full of Product™ in a way that is strangely reminiscent of LA) "Hmnyerrss but also no"

You know, Tumblr celebrates the Ides of March, where today, the 15th of March, Caeser was stabbed to death over two thousand years ago.

I'm just saying stabbing politicians has historical precedence.

just a friendly reminder that if ur planning or taking direct action

leave your phone in a normal location for you at the time of the event

are you usually at home? at work? leave it there, or give it to a friend and have them hang out with it

And if that sounds obvious or mundane, remember this principle:

If it's happening to one person, it's happening to one too many. One person unable to eat exists in a universe where there's only hunger and nothing else.

I speak from experience here.

That is the bottom line. Everything above depends on it.

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Some ppl will be a bit lost on the idea of a good deed and be all "What do I *do*?"

There's simple, pragmatic shit.

Like, this, for example.

Have some change on ya.


Ppl beggin on the street.

When I was homeless, it was before the world went totally plastic pay.

So maybe you find some cash on the ground. Or somebody drops you a coin.

Now? It must be fukin hell.

So if more ppl carry change, more ppl can get it.

See how easy that was?

Won't save the world, but might help somebody.

Mutual aid for black trans woman and her family, please help, MA request 


Hey yall, im a black trans woman in a really desperate situation and I really need money for food and other basic stuff. Please support if you can, also by sharing the post and boosting it.


#mutualaid #transmutualaid

⚠️ EXTREMELY URGENT!! it's halfway thru march & octo is still trying to get last month's needs met, she is even more behind now. please help!!!


octo is a trans, plural recent graduate making plans to move out of her abusive parents' house. she did really well in school but she is struggling with severe anxiety from the abuse & lack of funds for her monthly bills.


⭐ you can get handmade art or a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to her here:

@mutualaid @blackfedi

My fam and I are trying to flee the country!

We are working and also selling as much of our stuff as we can, but we need help from folks like you too!

Funds go to buying travel-related things (like compression socks, airline cat carriers, passports, plane tickets, visa fees, short term lodging, and so on) or to offset monthly costs so more funds can go to the immigration specific costs.

Current focus:

Everything helps but here's my current focus:
Just generally saving for vet visits, airline tickets, and DAFT/immigration fees! Chewy gift cards still helpful as I got a lot of dog training to do

direct support

in no particular order

gift cards

Send to evel at

monthly support

And give a follow @Aldercone for all the rad stuff we'll be up to!

#GTFOmyState #transCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #mutualAid #MutualAidRequest #IndigenousMutualAid #CreativeNative #indieDev #trans #nonbinary

The Museum of Transology exhibition up by Kings Cross is really fucking good and you should all see it if you can:

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Hometown is adapted from Mastodon, a decentralized social network with no ads, no corporate surveillance, and ethical design.