Fixing stuff for a living makes you really good at being wrong. Forty times a day you'll be all "Bet it's one of the outputs on this chip. Nope, well let's check the inputs, what're they connected to... okay so it's further up the line," and you get practice at dropping wrong ideas fast before you follow them down a silly rabbithole, you get to be okay with going "Well, it'll be this, unless I was wrong two steps ago and then it'll be that."
I worked with a guy once who was REALLY bad at being wrong. Like, he'd spend literally hours hilariously misaligning a single pair of flippers rather than consider that he might've used the wrong coil stop. He bloody soldered his crimp connections as well!
Being wrong is a skill and with a lot of practice you can get good at it. When you've let enough silly nonsense run through your head and dribble out your ears then it's as easy as inhaling to get a wonderful perfect beautiful boy of an idea, and in the next exhale you can toss that same idea in the trash with all your other nonsense where it belongs.
I won't toot my own horn about many thing but damn it I'm GOOD at being wrong. It's taken me YEARS to get this good at fucking up.