We are trying to change the face of television, with entirely independent produced and distributed, community driven media.
We're making a new kind of TV. A smaller kind of TV. We're distributing it ourselves.
You can watch along live streaming or VOD at https://vod.newellijay.tv
I'm working on overhauling the main website for our network, which lives at https://newellijay.tv
And, of course, all of this is built on the history and principles of Community Media which you can read about at https://communitymedia.network
Our live streaming content is currently played in 6 businesses around our community ~10 hours a day, to dozens or hundreds of locals and tourists.
Our roku app has hundreds of installs and several dozen active daily users, most of whom also watch our live stream for a few hours each day.
I don't have specific aggregate statistics on per video views, because most people who watch our videos do it through a platform other than our website, and views through alternative platforms don't count towards our "views" count on peertube but, at least within Ellijay, we've got some reach.
And we're looking to blast off
in 2024.
So how do we blast off?
1) we need more!
Make TV with us, send us your videos, if you've sent me stuff in the past and it didn't make it on the channel, it's probably because I forgot about it. Resubmit, submit new things. I prefer cc-by or cc-by-sa stuff, but we'll take any license including all rights reserved.
We're looking for content for our live stream and things to add to VOD. Let us know if you're interested in one, the other, or both!
I can only pay a small fee for videos right now, because we're basically only breaking even on the network, but that changes with #2.
2) New Ellijay Telecision needs advertisements and sponsors.
It's a fact of life in this capitalist hellscape hellworld that things cost money. Most of the original content on NETV is funded out of my pocket (and I'm "unemployed" at the moment) or out of the makerspace budget, and that's why it comes out so slowly.
Editors, writers, actors, etc cost money.
We have a small group of volunteers working on this stuff and a smaller group of paid employees but producing a weekly news program, political analysis, scifi sitcoms, office dramadies about hunting bigfoot, a very queer mistress of the night midnight movie program, live concerts, and a lot more besides is hard to do without funding.
So! We're selling advertising, patreon style sponsorship packages, and hand made merchandise https://newellijay.tv/shop/
Help us make more TV
3) New Ellijay Television needs viewers.
We have, at any given moment, between five and fifty people connected to our livestream. Some of those connections are in businesses that have between five and fifty people in them.
That's not bad! But it's a far cry from the reach of a commercial platform.
As I highlighted earlier, I don't know how many VOD viewers we have, and I'm kind of stumbling backwards in to live stream viewer numbers based on a hacky shell script I wrote to do some log analysis, but the point is: Building a platform for the distribution of independent television won't work if no one is watching!
So, consider followinf @video to see everything we produce, or following specific shows or channels if that's more your speed.
If you see something you like (perhaps one of our live concerts? Or our propaganda analysis program Behind the Curtain? Or the show we produce about imperialism, The Hastening? (New episode about Palestine in the works right now.) Or the dark mistresses' midnight movie? Or ... well, you get the idea) tell someone else about it. Share it. Spread the word.
We make these things to be seen.
So yeah! If you're interested in the future of independent media, try New Ellijay Television.
If you want to watch our livestream, it lives here: https://vod.newellijay.tv/w/hPrMTPpUuP8ZLoaqHTkLmd
At some point, I'll get an EPG feature going, too. That seems like the kind of thing people would like.
(@arcade wrote most of one for me, and then I changed some things about how we're doing things and never got back to it, so I should do that.)